Prison, relocation and world fame: what happened to the actors we fell in love with thanks to the „Taxi“.

In 1998, Luc Besson’s Taxi was released, marking the beginning of one of the main French film franchises. At the beginning of the 2000s, a series of comedies about taxi driver Marcel and his friend policeman Daniel was one of the favorites of viewers in many countries. Alas, after four films, Besson left his brainchild, and the new parts were nothing but failure. But what about the actors of “Taxi”, the same ones we remember and love?


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Sami Naceri

The actor who played Daniel was quite successful in France even before Taxi. Naseri has acted in films since 1980 and has won prestigious awards. But it seems that the worldwide popularity of the franchise has gone to the actor’s head. After the premiere, he increasingly began to appear in crime chronicles, and even managed to spend some time behind bars. In recent years, almost nothing has been heard about Sami Naseri, which is good. After all, it seems that the actor managed to take control of his own life.


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Frederick Diefenthal

Diefenthal was also a fairly successful actor before Taxi, but played mostly in the theater. After worldwide fame, he began to be invited to other big film projects, but popularity did not go to his head. Frederic began producing, and now he is playing in the most popular French TV series. Alas, none of his next projects were as successful as Besson’s franchise.

Emma Wiklund

The Swedish model became famous throughout the world thanks to Taxi, but at the same time she is still popular in her homeland . In Sweden, Emma runs her own business, acts on television and even hosts her own show. Also, for some time now, the woman has been releasing her own brand of cosmetics in collaboration with Lindex.


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Bernard Farsi

Like Diefenthal, Farsi was primarily known as a stage actor. The peak of its popularity was back in the 80s, but thanks to “Taxi” they started talking about it again. After filming the franchise, Bernard took part in several more projects until he decided to almost completely quit films. During the filming of Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra, the actor visited Morocco, which stole his heart. Farsi moved to his beloved country and now, one might say, retired there.


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Marion Cotillard

And only Marion Cotillard took full advantage of the opportunity given to her by Besson. Today, the actress is the star of many popular films; she has managed to work with many famous directors and actors. We think it’s fair to say that Cotillard easily conquered Hollywood and is still at its very top.


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To sum it up, the “Taxi” actors each went their own way. It’s a pity, of course, for Naseri, because if not for his character, the actor could have made a career no worse than his colleagues. But one way or another, those same images will remain in our hearts forever.

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