“Almost dislocated my hip.” How George Clooney proposed to Amal.

While promoting his new film The Midnight Sky, George Clooney became surprisingly talkative. To the delight of fans, the actor has recently been giving more interviews than usual. In particular, he talks not only about cinema, but also about the most intimate things – his wife and children.

Thus, 59-year-old George Clooney recently appeared on the CBS Sunday Morning show, where he openly explained why he and 42-year-old Amal had not thought about marriage or children .

George and Amal Clooney didn’t think about marriage and children

According to the Hollywood star, after meeting his future wife, his outlook on life changed. The actor admitted that for the first time in his life, everything that the woman he loved became much more important than what concerned him personally.

“Then we had these two little brats. To be honest, I really didn’t expect this, but I was incredibly happy ,” Clooney said.

George assures that they had not previously raised the issue of marriage, so Amal was seriously surprised when he suddenly decided to propose to her.

“It was completely unexpected for her. She weighed the pros and cons for a long time before saying yes. Well, I had to stand on my knee for about 20 minutes. Then I broke the silence, saying: “Listen, a little more and I’ll dislocate my hip ,” recalls the actor.

It turned out that the couple never seriously thought about adding to the family. Just once, George and Amal asked each other how they felt about children. Then the lovers could not even imagine that they would soon have to make an appointment for an ultrasound.

“The doctor said: “It’s a boy!” And I thought that was wonderful. Then the doctor said: “I see another baby.” But I was not ready for this. Understand me, I’m already old. And then suddenly there were twins. I was shocked and just stood there rooted to the spot, looking from the doctor to the piece of paper, asking, “Really? Two?” said the actor.

Clooney noted that over time he realized how cool it was. Now he is incredibly happy that the kids have each other. And, of course, he is eternally grateful that a person appeared in his life who gave him such lovely heirs.

Your own hairdresser

Who would have thought that the Hollywood handsome man, who was called a confirmed bachelor, would still be able to tame someone ? It turned out that in conditions of self-isolation, the actor has to wash things, wash dishes and wash floors 15 times a day. Yes, life with three-year-old kids is far from easy!

“The only thing I’m definitely not afraid to do is cut my hair at home. By the way, I’ve been cutting my hair without outside help for 25 years. It takes me no more than two minutes to get my hair in order,” Clooney assures.

Recall that George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin formalized their relationship in 2014. And in 2017, the young family expanded from two people to four – the couple gave birth to twins. The couple named their son Alexander, and their daughter Ella.

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