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Poprvé po více než třech letech byla viděna Joan Van Ark.

The Knots Landing actress was seen for the first time in three years as she ran errands in Los Angeles last week

She is best known for her role as Valene Ewing, which began on Dallas in 1978 and then continued in the Knots Landing spinoff of the series in 1979. Joan's character was married three times to her on-screen love interest Gary Ewing, played by Ted Shackelford (pictured together)

Podle DailyMail.com byla Joan Van Ark minulý týden spatřena v Los Angeles při vyřizování záležitostí.

She was seen getting in and out of her car, as she peeled off her blue face mask and headed out for her solo trip on the sunny day

Po třech letech to bylo první veřejné vystoupení herečky.

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