Times change, and with them many realities and areas of life. Thus, beauty standards are slowly becoming a thing of the past , and the fashion and beauty industry is therefore looking for new bright representatives with memorable faces and completely different body types. Thanks to new trends, Sofia Hadjipanteli burst into the fashion world , who is now called the new Frida Kahlo. The unibrow is what made the model famous. Yes, a girl could go to an eyebrow specialist and look like everyone else. But with her appearance she destroys stereotypes and tries to convey something important to others. We’ll tell you what exactly it is next.
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Sofia Hadjipanteli and her unibrow
Unique, different, scary, beautiful—whatever epithets the 24-year-old model of Cypriot origin Sofia Hadjipanteli has heard addressed to her. The girl walks around with a unibrow and is proud of it . Sofia has become a real Instagram star: almost half a million people follow her. But the girl doesn’t just post photos and go about her life. In this world she found her purpose.
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Sofia Hadjipanteli is working to change the world’s perception of beauty. She wants to prove that people with a certain appearance, with any special features, can quite easily look the way they want, without causing surprised or even condemning looks. Sofia has thick, fused eyebrows . Some people think it’s unaesthetic. But the model enjoys the way she looks. And it conveys its message to the masses that everyone has the right to look the way they want.
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The model founded a special movement
#Unibrow is what Sofia Hadjipanteli called the movement she founded. As part of this project, the model encourages women not to have complexes because of their characteristics . Of course, this applies not only to eyebrows. Many people are ashamed of their figure or certain defects. However, I don’t even want to call these defects anymore, because every feature can become an advantage.
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Many people support Sofia. “ Well done girl for ignoring the crowd’s opinion”, “I like this trend. Now more and more women are deciding to defend their ideas about beauty : eyebrows, weight, and so on. Is that bad?”, “Who cares! These are her eyebrows, her face, her understanding of beauty ,” users write.
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Unfortunately, we have not yet reached the stage of development where everyone calmly accepts the fact that someone looks a little different. Therefore, as Sofia herself says, she receives a lot of negativity in her direction . “In my opinion, these are already extremes: either too geometric painted eyebrows, or a unibrow,” “It feels like I watched the movie “Planet of the Apes.” I wonder what’s under her arms and on her legs? If there are the same mono-thickets, I don’t think men will be delighted,” “Why didn’t she draw them above the nose, why did she draw them only where the eyebrows were supposed to be? I would paint the whole forehead black.”
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Sofia often receives similar comments. Sometimes they can upset a girl a little, but in general she is not sad, but simply continues to do her job and carry her message to the masses. Do you support Sofia?