😳«Dcery a matka rappera P. Diddyho byly okradeny před soudem.»🤯

The musician’s mother showed up at the courthouse wearing chunky glasses and a fur coat. She tried to keep a straight face as she walked from her car to the entrance. 17-year-old twins D’Lila Star and Jesse James joined their grandmother.

An angry crowd was already waiting for the rapper’s family, who is currently behind bars awaiting trial. The trial will begin on May 5. “Janis, your son is a predator! He’s a predator and he deserves to go to jail!” one of the men shouted at the artist’s mother.

P. Diddy’s daughters held hands, trying not to show their emotions in public. However, it was noticeable that they were barely holding back. The rapper blew kisses to his family when he spotted them in the courtroom, where the trial was set to begin.

Another daughter of the artist, Chance Combs from his union with Sarah Chapman, faced criticism on social media. The girl had to close the comments due to the influx of furious bloggers.

“I hope your father rots in prison, he’s just a monster!”, “If there is such a thing as karma, then it will come back to his children”, “It is impossible to even imagine what his daughter and other children are going through. Children are not responsible for their parents!” – such messages appeared on the girl’s social networks.

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